
Frauke NIEMANN | production + communication | tickets :

Claire TERRIEN | Director/Performer :


Plus Ou Moins Cirque Productions is a performing arts collective comprised of multidisciplinary artists developping interventions in situ involving new audiences. The common ground of their artistic research are collective working methods and process based creations with a feminist approach. Focussing on the interplay and exchange of skills, impulses and methods that each individual brings into a collaboration they develop their works, leaving boarders of disciplines behind. They investigate and appropiate spaces letting the audience be part of it, free to combine, built, sometimes even to set an own focus, to create an own storyline or point of identification. They produce performances, installations, workshops, radio podcasts, films and books.

POMC-productions is funded by Haupstadtkulturfonds (Berlin), Fonds Transfabrik, Fonds DAKU, Senat Berlin (Einstiegsförderung), Bezirkskulturfonds Lichtenberg.

POMC-productions is supported by FELD Theater, Le Cube /Cie La Belle Meunière, Menus Spaustuve Vilnius, Wiesen55 e.V., Schloss Bröllin, Magacin & Karkatag Kollektiv Belgrade, Villa Kuriosum / SCENE5 e.V., Ausland-Berlin, Omnivolant.

credits photographers

(c) Blandine Casen, Luka Knežević-Strika, Martti Kaartinen, Branka Sarić, Miroslav Dilberović, Marie Donath.

merci, hvala, danke, grazie, marhaban, mucho gracias, thanks.


claire terrien | dipl. ing. architektin

contact: terreclaire[at]


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