mechanical art workshop, in collaboration with karkatag kollektiv / Belgrade.
Border grinding machine 2014 was an international experimental workshop/summer school that was dealing with interactive art in public space. During the workshop participants were researching and creating devices, machines and vehicles for actions in public space. In short time, goal was to produce number of functional models and to explore their abilities for activation and animation of passers by/accidental audience and triggering/ generating unexpected events and situations connected to interaction between audience and machines. The advantage of different backgrounds of participants were new ideas of treating public space. Program resulted with two public actions and exhibition.
Program organized in collaboration between Karkatag Collectiv from Serbia (Belgrade) and S.C.E.N.E.5 from Germany (Berlin). With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union, Urban Incubator: Belgrade and Goethe Institut Belgrade.
26 July – 8 August 2014 – Svilajnac, Serbia.
With (participants): Aldin, Aleksandar, Branislav, Chantal, Gaelle, Hannah, Kim, Lucas, Maloup, Marie, Marija, Marko x2, Selina, Valentin, Xaver, Zelda, with Ana, Aleksandar, Claire, Marie & Marko.