“Border Grinding Machine”

“Border Grinding Machine”

mechanical art workshop, in collaboration with karkatag kollektiv / Belgrade.

Border grinding machine 2014 was an international experimental workshop/summer school that was dealing with interactive art in public space. During the workshop participants were researching and creating devices, machines and vehicles for actions in public space. In short time, goal was to produce number of functional models and to explore their abilities for activation and animation of passers by/accidental audience and triggering/ generating unexpected events and situations connected to interaction between audience and machines. The advantage of different backgrounds of participants were new ideas of treating public space. Program resulted with two public actions and exhibition.

Program organized in collaboration between Karkatag Collectiv from Serbia (Belgrade) and S.C.E.N.E.5 from Germany (Berlin). With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union, Urban Incubator: Belgrade and Goethe Institut Belgrade.

26 July – 8 August 2014 – Svilajnac, Serbia.

With (participants): Aldin, Aleksandar, Branislav, Chantal, Gaelle, Hannah, Kim, Lucas, Maloup, Marie, Marija, Marko x2, Selina, Valentin, Xaver, Zelda, with Ana, Aleksandar, Claire, Marie & Marko.

Posted by terreclaire in metall work, site specific, workshop
Static / Pretposljednja panda ili statika

Static / Pretposljednja panda ili statika

From the position of a young man born in 1990 in Yougoslavia, Mr. Pescut discusses the life of the generation born in the 1990s, which grew in difficult and chaotic years, the generation that cannot find a place in the society lacking ideals.

Stage and Lighting Design: Bruno Pocheron & Claire Terrien (Collaboration)

Regie: Saša Božić / Text: Dino Pešut

Costume Design: Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin / Music: Nenad i Alen Sinkauz / Photography: Zoran Kulušić Neral 

Première ZKM Zagreb: May 16, 2015.


Posted by terreclaire in light design, performance, set design
Tankstelle – A100

Tankstelle – A100

Is the promise of yesterday today´s future ?

“Collagelab” – Post-capitalist city, idea competition “move”, 2013.

Collaboration with Tai Schomaker. – Not selected –

Critical proposal for the continution of “Zwischennutzung” in combination with the construction of the highway A100 in east Berlin.

Once upon a time was a society dreaming faster, higher, bigger. Black gold made it possible. Black gold was promised to last forever. More cars were produced, more streets were built and more oil was sold. In most big cities ring roads were built from the 1950’s, intended to speed up, or encourage traffic. These roads walled the centers. In Berlin, because of the division, only half of the ring was built…

Once upon a time existed a forgotten place, a paradise garden where east german children could get closer to nature. GDR disappeared, and this garden with its little house became a forgotten place, an unused paradise garden situated next to the S-Bahn Ring. A few years ago, a cultural association started to use it for cultural events. To rent this place was made possible because the city reserved it for infrastructure development, so called “Zwischennutzung” (temporary use). Since the completion of the city ring has been promised and is in progress, the cultural area might have to make room someday…

Posted by terreclaire in site specific

“Never live twice”

by Zeina Hanna.

Lights are participating to the dialog between performer bodies, objects and the space. The theatral lights are faking, calculating, disappearing and reappearing in front of a subtile natural lighting coming from outside the theater world.

Uraufführung Festival MASTERWORKS 3.99€ – Limited Edition, 2012. HZT – MA Choreography in the Uferstudios – Berlin | Lightdesign & Technical direction.

Posted by terreclaire in light design
“CRITCRU” | porcopolis

“CRITCRU” | porcopolis


– a multidisciplinary artistic investigation directed by Berta Tarragó.

Various performances in situ | France, Spain, 2009-11.

www.porcopolis.org – project site –

Light design & scenography, collaboration concept & in situ adaptations, graphic design.

Graphic design & technical conception for the 8-slide projectors installation.

Posted by terreclaire in light design, performance, set design, site specific

Lange Nacht

Installation with Slides & Slide Projector, Lange Nacht der Bilder, Lichtenberg 2011.

Posted by terreclaire in installation, light design

Sleep & Store

Fresh new Bed with a lot of storage. (2010)

Posted by terreclaire in objects


Interactive Light Performance

Claire Terrien (Idee, Konzept & PErformance) with Artronis Visualisierung/ Samuel Kress (Konzeptentwicklung, Engineering), Jana Heilmann (Performance)

Die Performance ist ein Versuch einer analogen Interpretation des Raumes. Sie stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, den Stadtraum interaktiv zu Erkunden. Sie lebt von ihrem starken Ausdruck, ihrer eigenen Redundanz und der Teilnahme der Passanten.

Die Performance ist in jedem Stadtraum möglich und wird als Erkundungsreise gehandhabt. Die PerformerInnen geben den Rhythmus und die Komposition vor, bestimmen die Farbenwechsel und das Tempo.

Aus architektonischen und gestalterischen Gesichtspunkte  werden neue Situationen des Stadtraumes beleuchtet… In den Stunden der Nacht verwischen die räumlichen vorgegebenen Strukturen der Stadt (Strassen, Strassenmöbel, Landschaftsarchitektur).

Mit dem Eintritt der Nacht bilden die Würfel neue Angelpunkte für andere Räume und Raumeinheiten. Mit dieser wandelbaren Objektchoreographie entsteht ein inszenierter Parcours.

Lichtobjekte :
– Maße:  Würfel 23cm x 23cm x 23cm
– Material:  Acrylglas, weiß-transluzent, mit integrierter RGB-LED Steuerung
– Lichtsteuerung: Farbveränderung des ganzen Objektes durch  sein Lageveränderung
– Licht:  RGB-LED Steuerung mit Akku betriebener Stromversorgung
– Anzahl: 9 bis 14 Objekte

Première Luminale Frankfurt 2010 >> denkubenfolgen blog

Posted by terreclaire in light design, objects, performance, set design, site specific


just a simple bookshelf out of slatted frames from an old bed. (2011)

Posted by terreclaire in objects